May 1, 2022
Spring is finally, maybe, coming back, after wildly fluctuating, mostly too-warm temperatures in February and March, we had a cold April. I'm hoping things will even out. I'm reaping the benefits of seeds I scattered intermittently for the past 3 months or so--radishes! They are barely noticeable for a long while, then all of a sudden the roots must be harvested. Freshly picked radishes are really delicate and nice! And they will last a long time in the fridge, long past the time that ones in the ground have flowered and turned to fibery bitterness. If you have even a little bare soil in late winter/early spring, try literally just throwing some radish seed out. Sparse is better than dense. If not too much competition from weeds, you will get a nice crop with zero effort.
below: freshly pulled radishes, the bed with plenty of weeds and living mulch along with ready-to-harvest radish plants, and the haul after 10 minutes of effort!
